
Today I’m going to write about death. It won’t make you feel good. It won’t sound nice. Obviously.

I’ve been thinking for a long time whether this entry is for my eyes only. Is it too private and intimate? Of course, it is. However, death affects us all in one way or the other in various points in our life. There’s no point in making a taboo out of it.

So in times when death strikes and takes your loved ones…well, these are the times when you start thinking about matters you may have been postponing. Because they’re unpleasant to think about. Because they often make you look bad. And because you’d have to change something. But the beaten path feels comfortable, right?

Suddenly, all the clichés come up.

Live the day to the fullest.

Live like there’s no tomorrow.

Appreciate the little things.

Live more, worry less.


Spend your precious time with those who deserve it.

Just to name a few.

We read these words, pause for a second and move on without giving them a deeper meaning or place in our lives. Naturally, because we’ve heard them so often they just feel pathetic. I mean, look around and point to at least one person who lives today like it’d be their last day. Yeah, I thought so…

I dare to say that it’s not very realistic or possible. However, at least a tiny thing I think I could manage would be: being present for people who love me, need me, care about me. I know I can’t always be in the right time at the right place, but taking baby steps in my everyday routine is a start.

Why don’t you put down your phone and actually listen? Make eye-contact – it does wonder. Get rid of the urge to fix your eyes upon the screen, to click and endlessly scroll… Will you remember the evenings you spent looking for new gadgets, shirts, whatever or the ones chatted away with people you love? When was the last time you genuinely hugged your mum? With no “may I-s”, “would you-s”, and “what’s for lunch-es”.

Yes, it’s in the tiny things. The smiles shared with the nervous shop assistant. The weather talk with your doctor. The cheery greetings with your neighbours.

I’m not going to write “Do it before it’s too late!” Ok, admittedly, I just did. But the point is not to be afraid to be nicer, happier, more generous. Even if you have a loooot of years ahead I think we can agree that it’s never inappropriate or redundant to honestly say I love you, share spontaneous hugs, or be kind for absolutely selfless reasons. Sometimes there just isn’t “some other day” for this and that.

Well, it’s pretty late and I should be sleeping. So to end with, I’d like to thank you that you made it to the end. Writing equals therapy for me, so thanks for bearing my ramble. And should anything feel right or the contrary, let me know J I’d like to hear what you think.


Good night.

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