Jingle stress, jingle stress, stressing all around

Don’t you just feel the Christmas spirit in the air? Yeah, me neither and I don’t know why! And that makes me kinda sad…

There is always so much to do when Christmas is slowly creeping in. The early birds are boasting that they have already bought all the presents and all they need is festive wrapping paper…cause it’s not being sold yet! So this is basically the first stress wave coming at you a.k.a. I still have nothing…

Then somebody tells you what a perfect present they have found for someone or even worse for you – and you still not having bought a single present nor thought up the “perfect one”. The second wave a.k.a. making lists and googling Christmas gifts for >add appropriate<.

Christmas is around the corner and you still haven’t bought all the presents, there is still some tidying up, cooking, baking and I-don’t-know-what to do. People start posting photos of their Christmas trees or dressed up children and notifications are popping out that you’ve been tagged in a photo you are not even in – of course, it’s a wish. You don’t know where to start and what to finish. The third wave a.k.a. oh, gosh, I’m never going to make it!

However, then there is the phase of evaluation. Ok folks, so what does really matter? Is it the amount and quality of food on your table? The colour of the serviettes or the mess left next to the couch…? Well, I don’t think any… And deep inside everybody knows what really counts. We just seem to be blinded by the glare of what we should, what we have to, and must and… 

The sooner you learn to make things perfect your own way and not how “it should be” the better. And please, stop panicking (no exclamation mark for it could send more stressful impulses out there 😀 ). I personally don’t have presents for 4 persons I will be with on Christmas Eve 😀 so find comfort in that. With a bit of humour everything won’t seem so tragic.

I wish you a merry and peaceful Christmas spent with your loved ones. Find joy in the little things and enjoy every moment somebody shares with you. Let the worries slip away and the magic of Christmas fill you to the brim.
All the best 🙂


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